Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PV Elite User Guide 2005

Chapter 1: Introduction 1-1

What is PVElite?...................................................................................................................................... 1-2

What is the Purpose and Scope of PVElite? ............................................................................................. 1-2

What Distinguishes PVElite from our competitors?................................................................................. 1-3

What Applications are Available? ............................................................................................................ 1-4


Chapter 1: Introduction

1-2 PVElite User Guide 2005

What is PVElite?

PVElite is a PC-based pressure vessel design and analysis software program developed, marketed and sold

by COADE Engineering Software. PVElite is a package of nineteen applications for the design and analysis

of pressure vessels and heat exchangers, and fitness for service assessments. The purpose of the program

is to provide the mechanical engineer with easy to use, technically sound, well documented reports with

detailed calculations and supporting comments, which will speed and simplify the task of vessel design,

re-rating or fitness for service. The popularity of PVElite is a reflection of COADE's expertise in

programming and engineering, as well as COADE's dedication to service and quality.

What is the Purpose and Scope of PVElite?

Calculations in PVElite are based on the latest editions of national codes such as the ASME Boiler and

Pressure Vessel Code, or industry standards such as the Zick analysis method for horizontal drums.

PVElite offers exceptional ease of use, which results in dramatic improvement in efficiency for both design

and re-rating.

PVElite features include:

Introduction 1-3

_ Graphical User Interface, which lists model data and control with a vessel display.

_ Both horizontal and vertical vessels may be composed of cylinders, conical sections, body flanges as

well as elliptical, torispherical, hemispherical, conical and flat heads.

_ Saddle supports for horizontal vessels. Leg and skirt supports at any location for vertical vessels.

_ Extensive on-line help.

_ Deadweight calculation from vessel details such as nozzles, lugs, rings, trays, insulation, packing and


_ Wall thickness calculations for internal and external pressure in accordance with the rules of ASME

Section VIII Divisions 1 and Division 2, PD 5500 and EN-13445. Stiffener rings are evaluated for

external pressure.

_ Wind and seismic data using the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) standard, the Uniform

Building Code (UBC), and the National (Canadian) Building Code, India Standards as well as British,

Mexican, Australian and European Standards.

_ User defined unit system.

_ A complete examination of the vessel's structural loads combining the effects of pressure, deadweight

and live loads in the empty, operating and hydrotest conditions.

_ Logic to automatically increase wall thickness to satisfy requirements for pressure and structural loads

and introduce stiffener rings to address external pressure rules.

_ Structural load evaluation in terms of both tensile and compressive stress ratios (to the allowable


_ Detailed analysis of nozzles, flanges, and base rings.

_ A complete material library for all three design standards.

_ A component library containing pipe diameter and wall thickness, ANSI B16.5 flange pressure vs.

temperature charts, and section properties for AISC, British, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Australian and

South African structural shapes.

_ Printed output from PVElite is exceptionally clear and complete, with user definable headings on each

page. User comments and additions may be inserted at any point in the output.

What Distinguishes PVElite from our


COADE treats PVElite more as a service than a product. Our staff of experienced pressure vessel engineers

are involved in day-to-day software development, program support and training. This approach has

produced a program, which most closely fits today's requirements of the pressure vessel industry. Data

entry is simple and straightforward through annotated input screens and/or spreadsheets. PVElite provides

the widest range of modeling and analysis capabilities without becoming too complicated for simple

system analysis. Users may tailor their PVElite installation through default setting and customized

databases. Comprehensive input graphics confirms the model construction before the analysis is made.

The program's interactive output processor presents results on the monitor for quick review or sends

complete reports to a file, printer or Word document. PVElite is an up-to-date package that not only utilizes

standard analysis guidelines but also provides the latest recognized opinions for these analyses.

1-4 PVElite User Guide 2005

PVElite is a field-proven engineering analysis program. It is a widely recognized product with a large

customer base and an excellent support and development record. COADE is a strong and stable company

where service is a major commitment.

What Applications are Available?

The following applications are available in PVElite.

General Vessels

Wall thickness design and analysis of any vessel for realistic combinations of pressure, deadweight,

nozzle, wind and seismic loads in accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 1 rules, Division 2 rules,

PD 5500, and EN-13445. These calculations address minimum wall thickness for pressure and allowable

longitudinal stress (both tension and compression) in the vessel wall for the expected structural load


Complete Vertical Vessels

Vessels supported by either skirts, legs or lugs can be defined for complete dead load and live load

analysis. Stacked vessels with liquid are also addressed. Hydrotest conditions may be specified for either

vertical or horizontal test positions. Vessel MAWP includes hydrostatic head and ANSI B16.5 flange

pressure limitations.

Complete Horizontal Vessels

Stress analysis of horizontal drums on saddle supports using the method of L. P. Zick. Results include

stresses at the saddles, the midpoint of the vessel, and in the heads.

The following applications are available in PVElite:

Shells & Heads

Internal and external pressure design of vessels and exchangers using the ASME Code, Section VIII,

Division 1 rules. Components include cylinders, conical sections, elliptical heads, torispherical heads, flat

heads, spherical shells and heads. This program calculates required thickness and maximum allowable

internal pressure for the given component. It also calculates the minimum design metal temperature per

UCS-66, and evaluates stiffening rings for external pressure design.

This module also includes the implementation of API-579 for Fitness For Service evaluations (FFS). Sec.

4, Local Thinning, Sec. 5, General Metal loss and Sec. 6 Pitting Corrosion, are available at this time.

Introduction 1-5


Required wall thickness and reinforcement under internal pressure for nozzles in shells and heads, using

the ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1 rules and including tables of outside diameter and wall

thickness for all nominal pipe diameters and schedules. The program checks the weld sizes, calculates the

strength of reinforcement and evaluates failure paths for the nozzle. Hillside, tangential and Y-angle

nozzles can also be evaluated.

Conical Sections

Internal and external pressure analysis of conical sections and stiffening rings using the ASME Code,

Section VIII, Division 1 rules. Complete area of reinforcement and moment of inertia calculations for the

cone under both internal and external pressure are included.

Floating Head

Internal and external pressure analysis of bolted dished heads (floating heads) using the ASME Code,

Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 1 rules. An Additional calculation technique allowed by the Code

(Soehrens calculation) is also implemented by the program.


Stress analysis and geometry selection for all types of flanges using the ASME Code, Section VIII,

Division 1 rules. This program both designs and analyzes the following types of flanges:

_ All integral flange types

_ Slip on flanges and all loose flange types with hubs

_ Ring type flanges and all loose flange types without hubs

_ Blind flanges, both circular and non-circular

_ TEMA channel covers

_ Reverse geometry weld neck flanges

_ Flat faced flanges with full face gaskets

Users can input the external forces and moments acting on the flange and alternate mating flange loads.

Tubesheets (TEMA and PD 5500)

PVElite performs an analysis of all types of tubesheets using the 8th Edition of the Standards of the

Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association and PD 5500. The program takes full account of the effects

of tubesheets extended as flanges, and for fixed tubesheets also includes the effects of differential thermal

expansion and the presence of an expansion joint. Expansion joint can be designed within this module. For

a fixed tubesheet exchanger the program can analyze multiple loads cases for both the corroded and

uncorroded conditions. If an expansion joint is added, then corresponding expansion joint load cases will

also be run.

1-6 PVElite User Guide 2005

Horizontal Vessels

Stress analysis of horizontal drums on saddle supports using the L.P. Zick method. Results include

stresses at the saddles, the midpoint of the vessel and in the heads. Stiffening rings used in the design of

the vessel are also evaluated. Wind and seismic loadings are also considered. Additionally, the saddle,

webs and baseplate are checked for external seismic and wind loads. Users can also specify friction and

additional longitudinal forces on the vessel.

Legs & Lugs

Analysis of vessel support legs, support lugs, trunnions and lifting lugs based on industry standard

calculation techniques, and the resulting stresses are compared to the AISC Handbook of Steel

Construction or the ASME Code. A full table of 929 AISC beams, channels and angles is included in the

program. Users can also perform WRC 107 calculation on the trunnion and the support lug, from within

this module.

Pipes & Pads

Required wall thickness and maximum allowable working pressure for two pipes, and branch

reinforcement requirements for the same two pipes considered as a branch and a header. Based on ANSI

B31.3 rules, this program includes tables of outside diameter and wall thickness for all nominal pipe

diameters and schedules.


Stresses in cylindrical or spherical shells due to loading on an attachment, using the method of P.P.

Bijlaard as defined in Welding Research Council Bulletin 107, including a stress comparison to VIII Div.

2 allowables for 3 different loading conditions. This module also contains an interface to the Finite

Analysis Program (Nozzle Pro from The Paulin Research Group).


Calculates stress and thickness evaluation for skirts and baserings. Results from both the neutral axis shift

and simplified method for basering required thickness is reported. Required skirt thickness due to weight

loads and bending moments are also displayed. Tailing Lugs attached to the basering can also be


Thin Joints

Stress and life cycle evaluation for thin walled expansion joints in accordance with ASME VIII Div. 1

appendix 26.

Thick Joints

Stress, life cycle and spring rate calculations for flanged and flued expansion joints in accordance with

ASME VIII Div. 1 appendix 5. The spring rate computation is per TEMA eighth edition.

Introduction 1-7

ASME Tubesheets

This program determines required thickness of tubesheets for fixed or U-tube exchangers per the ASME

Code Section VIII division 1 section UHX. You can use the program to analyze multiple loads cases for

both the corroded and uncorroded conditions.


This program determines required thickness and MAWP for half-pipe jacketed vessels per the ASME

Code Section VIII division 1 appendix EE.

Large Openings

This program analyzes large openings in integral flat heads per the ASME Code Section VIII division 1

appendix 2 and appendix 14. Required thickness, MAWP and weights are computed for geometries with

or without an attached nozzle.

Rectangular Vessels

This program analyzes non-circular pressure vessels using the rules of the ASME Code, Section VIII,

Division 1, Appendix 13. Most of the vessel types in Appendix 13 are analyzed for internal pressure,

including reinforced or stayed rectangular vessels with a diametral staying plate. All membrane and

bending stresses are computed and compared to the appropriate allowables.

WRC 297 / PD5500 Annex G

This program calculates the stress analysis of loads and attachments according to the Welding Research

Council bulletin 297 (WRC 297) and the British Standard Annex G (PD:5500). The WRC 297 bulletin,

published in 1984, attempts to extend the existing analysis of WRC 107 for cylinder-to-cylinder

intersections. PD:5500 Annex G provides an analysis of stress in cylindrical or spherical shells due to

attachment loads. Complete material databases for ASME Sec VIII and Div-1,2 are available. In the case

of PD 5500, the complete material database found in Annex K is also included.

Appendix Y Flanges

This module performs a stress evaluation of Class1 category 1, 2, or 3 flanges that form identical flange

pairs, according to the latest version of the ASME Code Section VIII Division 1 Appendix Y.


Displays a description and evaluation of all the components of a pressure vessel or heat exchanger.

Design pressure, temperature, material, actual thickness and Maximum Allowable Working Pressure are

shown for each component.

1-8 PVElite User Guide 2005

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